The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 79



Xu Mu woke up to the sound of firecrackers going off with loud "bang bang bang" noises. 

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the lifelike projection of the statue of Niewartes hovering above him.

"..." He almost had a heart attack.

He hugged the warm person in his arms, burying his nose in Bai Nian's neck, desperately inhaling the pleasant scent.

He intended to wake himself up, but instead, he felt even sleepier, his bones feeling lazy and relaxed.

"...Are you trying to suffocate me?" Bai Nian's eyelids trembled as he spoke in a hoarse voice.

Xu Mu mumbled, "No, just sniffing."

Bai Nian pushed him away slightly and sat up. "You're like a puppy."

Xu Mu clingily snuggled back against Bai Nian's back, hugging him from behind. "Not going back to sleep?"

Bai Nian ruffled his hair, "Don't stay in bed too long; we have to go pray today."

Xu Mu, still clinging like he had no bones, insisted on staying on Bai Nian's shoulder, "I'm not staying in bed, let's go together."

In front of the mirror, Bai Nian glanced sideways, "Do you need to stick to me while brushing your teeth too?"

Xu Mu's hair was a mess, his eyelids droopy, and his mouth full of foam, yet he insisted on leaning close.

Bai Nian sighed, "What are you doing?" He was also brushing his teeth.

"Give me a kiss."

"..." Bai Nian said, exasperated, "When did you start liking toothpaste?"

Xu Mu laughed so hard he choked.

Bai Nian patted his back, scolding lightly, "Be careful."

Xu Mu finished rinsing his mouth and immediately leaned in, aiming for Bai Nian's rosy lips and planted a quick kiss. 

They were soft and moist, with a hint of minty freshness. Bai Nian's eyes shimmered with a playful light.

"Let's wash our faces first," he said.

With a mischievous grin, Xu Mu pressed his cheek against Bai Nian's, "What's to be afraid of? My face didn't do anything last night. A little closeness won't hurt."

Bai Nian softened his tone, "Ah Mu, why do I feel like ever since you came home with me, you've become—"

"Become what?" Xu Mu raised an eyebrow.

"More like a rogue," Bai Nian said.

Xu Mu denied it, maintaining a serious expression, "It's just my way of showing affection. I like you."

He spoke with a hint of pride, feeling immensely happy inside.

Bai Nian smiled, choosing not to burst Xu Mu's bubble of happiness. He truly appreciated his loved one's acceptance.

Xu Mu thought the projection of the deity in their room was realistic enough. Little did he know, the living room outside was like a cyberpunk carnival. Electronic incense burned with crackling sounds, creating an atmosphere even more impactful than the pictures of ceremonies seen online. 

The ceiling was adorned with prayer balls, bursting into small ribbons of light, casting a saturated neon glow of gray-blue and purple. The ambient background music added to the immersive experience.

In the center stood the solemn figure of the god Niewartes, surrounded by various other deities, creating a surreal and dignified scene. 

Mrs. Bai had already knelt down once, and upon seeing them awake, happily beckoned them to join in the worship.

The text appears to be a narrative scene describing a family's religious practices, including the ritual of offering incense and prayers at home and then visiting a temple. The protagonist, Xu Mu, observes and participates in these rituals with a mix of curiosity and reverence.

Bai Nian calmly accepted the incense, as if she had done it countless times before. Xu Mu followed suit, imitating the other's movements, silently praying.

— Praying for heavenly blessings, warding off evil, and welcoming new energy.

Qin Yi sighed, "I'll offer incense for Feifei."

Mrs. Bai responded with a sound of acknowledgment and handed it to him.

"I'll go call Qianqian over."



After the family finished their home rituals, they deliberately went to their usual temple to pray.

Xu Mu obediently followed, his eyes wide open with amazement.

A combination of Eastern and Western elements, they worshipped both the Neva-Tess creation god and the Western Tathagata Buddha, emphasizing a fusion of traditions.

Interstellar Buddhism, cyberpunk style, highly automated processes; if people didn't want to come in person, purely online operations were possible too.

Surprisingly, there were even machine "monks" at the entrance and AI for "rebirth consultation," among other strange combinations.

Especially the electronic incense, colorless and odorless, shrouded in smoke, was quite special.

Xu Mu preferred to believe there was something rather than nothing, so he devoutly paid his respects.

— May the Buddha bless him and the people he cares about with peace, health, and success.


After it ended, the group began to disperse.

Mrs. Bai asked Ye Ye who he wanted to go with, and as expected, Ye Ye immediately hugged Bai Nian's leg. 

Mrs. Bai sighed, remarking on how clingy the child was.

Bai Nian smiled and patted Ye Ye's head, saying, "Alright, let's go."

After everyone parted ways, they went to their respective destinations. Xu Mu and Bai Nian took Ye Ye to a colorful little amusement park where many children were playing and there were various exciting game facilities suitable for children of all ages, making it particularly lively.

Ye Ye was full of energy today and spent several hours playing in the game hall. His cheeks were flushed, and it wasn't until noon that he covered his mouth and yawned, saying he wanted to go back to take a nap.

Xu Mu asked, "Do you want to eat something?"

Ye Ye leaned against his shoulder and whispered, "No, I want to drink nutrient solution."

Bai Nian smoothed his bangs and chuckled, "Looks like you're really tired if you're asking for nutrient solution."

Normally, he didn't like to drink it, finding the taste strange and unpleasant.

Ye Ye wriggled his butt and mumbled that he wanted to go home.

Xu Mu and Bai Nian naturally escorted him home. Nades had been waiting in the hallway and took Ye Ye, promising to take good care of him.


After Xu Mu and Bai Nian went downstairs, they didn't rush anywhere, just aimlessly strolled around the neighborhood.

The afternoon sun was warm, and Xu Mu felt comfortable basking in it. After walking for a while, he even felt hot and took off his scarf.

"Ah Mu, where do you want to go?" Bai Nian asked.

"I don't know," Xu Mu shook his head, "Is there anything fun in the Capital Star?"

Bai Nian pondered for a moment and then, regretfully, said, "To be honest, as a local, I don't find anywhere particularly fun."

Xu Mu chuckled. He understood that the longer you lived somewhere, the more boring it seemed.

"Brother Nian, which high school did you attend?" Xu Mu asked.

Bai Nian smiled, "Why? Do you want to visit my school?"

"Yeah," Xu Mu replied casually, "You mentioned last time that you have a connection with Uncle Qin's family, right? You attended elementary, middle, and high school in this area."

Bai Nian's eyes curved at the corners, "Indeed."

He squeezed Xu Mu's hand and leaned over to say, "I'll take you there now."



17th High School

"I can't believe we just walked in like this..." Xu Mu was incredulous. "Why didn’t the gatekeeper stop us?"

Bai Nian smiled lightly, "It's winter vacation. There are always students coming back to their alma mater to reminisce."

Xu Mu remarked, "That's quite humane."

He and Bai Nian strolled along the school road. The narrow gravel path stretched on, with tall trees towering on both sides. Though the branches and leaves were withered, the intertwined branches still vaguely showed signs of the lushness of spring and summer.

As Bai Nian had mentioned, there were quite a few students visiting the campus to reminisce about the past.

"Did Brother Nian always take this route to the teaching building before?" Xu Mu asked.

"Yeah, this side connects to the dormitory building. I remember it's Building B. It's the closest route to school every day."

"You pay attention to these things?" Xu Mu raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were a good student."

After all, only someone about to be late would pay attention to how close or far a route was.

Bai Nian chuckled, "A good student... Let's just say, unless you're a god, you're bound to encounter some unexpected events."

"Have you ever run late?"

"I have, and I even ran with a group of strangers." Bai Nian seemed to remember something and his smile deepened. "You could see there were still three minutes left if you checked the time, walking over would have been perfectly fine. But when you see others running, you can't help but join in."

Xu Mu empathized deeply, "Herd mentality."

He paused for a moment, "But usually, I quietly pick up the pace instead of running. It's not cool to run like that."

Bai Nian teased, "Oh, still a cool guy."

Xu Mu embraced him and kissed his earlobe, "Of course, super cool. I ignore everyone and I'm arrogant."

Bai Nian couldn't help but chuckle.

"You don't seem like it..." he said, "No, scratch that, on the surface, yes, but when I really got to know you, you're quite warm-hearted and thoughtful."

Xu Mu felt that statement was only half correct. He was warm-hearted and thoughtful because he enjoyed interacting with Bai Nian. If someone who didn't want to interact approached him, he would keep his distance.

But he didn't argue and instead kissed Bai Nian's earlobe again.

"Which canteen do you usually go to?"

"The second canteen. They have delicious stir-fried dishes at one of the stalls, which I really like."

"Do you come to the playground after class? Like running or playing basketball?"

"Not often. Maybe I'll come out to study before evening self-study."

"Even in the scorching summer noon?" Xu Mu was surprised.

"Of course not, I definitely wouldn't come when it's hot," Bai Nian replied.

"You attract mosquitoes so much, you must’ve ended up covered in bites," Xu Mu said.

Bai Nian thought for a moment, "Maybe."

"Maybe? Didn't you feel itchy?" Xu Mu didn't believe him. "You're so sensitive in bed. When I accidentally touch your sensitive spot, you shake like a sieve—"

Bai Nian stepped on his foot, his cheeks slightly flushed. "What are you talking about? Is this the right place to discuss this?"

Xu Mu coughed lightly, "Okay, I've sullied this innocent campus atmosphere."

"I really want to see how you were back then. You looked so pure and delicate, you must have been very likable," he sighed.

Bai Nian gave him a sideways glance, "How would you know?"

Xu Mu said, "Auntie showed me your childhood photos, and I've made copies to cherish."

Bai Nian was stunned for a few seconds. "When did that happen?" He had no idea.

Xu Mu looked smug, "That's mine and Auntie's little secret."

Bai Nian pinched his cheek, "You, with your little secrets, you've got my mom wrapped around your finger."

"Auntie isn't swayed by me," Xu Mu disagreed. "She just likes people who are good to her son. She might not show it on the surface, but she's happy that I got to know you."

"Of course, I really do want to get to know you," he added. "As the saying goes, I can't change the past, but at least I can go take a look and feel it."

Bai Nian was speechless.

"That tree is really green," Xu Mu suddenly remarked.

Bai Nian looked over, "Ah, that tree. I remember it. It's lush and green all year round."


"Hmm," Bai Nian nodded, "It's said that when the school was founded, they hired..."

He suddenly stopped and called out to the girl in front, "Excuse me, you dropped something."

Xu Mu looked over and picked up a doll accessory and a small purse.

The girl repeatedly thanked them, and Bai Nian smiled and said, "You're welcome." 

Xu Mu waved his hand, indicating it was no big deal.

Bai Nian continued, "They hired a prominent botanist at the time to cultivate a super grafting tree species with a long lifespan, resistant to insects, to remain evergreen all year round, lush and thriving. With time, it will grow taller and more beautiful."

"The touch of green in winter is even more eye-catching than a spot of red in a sea of flowers," Xu Mu stopped to observe.

"Indeed," Bai Nian reminisced, "But when I was actually here, I always passed by in a hurry and didn't pay much attention."

He only remembered now that there was an extremely tall tree here.

"Are you guys going to take a photo?" the girl from earlier suddenly ran back. "I can help you."

She noticed the two of them lingering near the big tree, thinking they wanted to take a photo together.

Xu Mu and Bai Nian were both taken aback.

"Why do you ask?" Xu Mu was curious.

"Well, um, you're a couple, right? And you used to go to 17th High School, too?" the girl asked cautiously, "This hundred-year-old tree at the entrance of Binfu Avenue can bless couples to stay together for a lifetime. It's very spiritual."

Xu Mu's heart stirred, "What do we need to do?"

"Just stand under the tree as a couple and take a photo, then pray silently in your hearts," the girl scratched her cheek, "It seems the more sincere you are, the more powerful the blessing from the tree."

She added, "And it's even more effective for students from 17th High School."

Xu Mu raised an eyebrow, "But what if only one person in the couple went to 17th High School?"

The girl confidently replied, "That's fine too. One person alone can't stay together for long, right? You have to bring your partner along."

Bai Nian chuckled.

"Brother Nian, do you want to take the photo?" Xu Mu asked.

Bai Nian didn't mind, "Sure."

The girl volunteered, "I'll take the photo for you!"

"Okay, thank you," Xu Mu said.

"You guys should get closer to the tree... um, yeah, do you want to do something special? It would be better if you could touch the heart-shaped carving on the tree trunk, it would have a better meaning. For example... the one in black, you put your boyfriend on your shoulders, not like that, you squat down and let him sit on your shoulders—"

The girl enthusiastically directed them, and Xu Mu was eager to try.

He held Bai Nian's waist, seemingly considering his weight.

"Do you really want me to sit on your shoulders?" Bai Nian was surprised but let Xu Mu maneuver him.

"Yes, brother, sit tight," Xu Mu squatted down, bearing the weight on his shoulders. One hand lightly supported Bai Nian's lower back.

He said, "Brother Nian, don't be afraid, I won't drop you."

Bai Nian smiled gently and patted his head, "Yeah, I'm not afraid."

"Perfect! Hold it!" the girl shouted, "Smile, with warmth and affection in your smiles, seeing each other's smiles full of sweetness. Think about your wishes in your heart, pray sincerely, and with blessings for your love to last long. Only with sincere, joyful, and happy prayers can the tree spirit bless you successfully. Anyway, think about it more... Yes, that's it!"

Xu Mu's smile had initially been stiff, but after hearing the string of "reminders," he quickly started thinking of happy things.

Bai Nian gently held the hand resting on his waist.

Xu Mu remained composed, intertwining his fingers with Bai Nian, firmly clasping them.

The winter sunlight wasn't glaring, but it felt soft and warm as it bathed them.

Everything in their view seemed to be covered in a layer of shimmering golden light.

The girl shouted, "Smile — Three, two, one!"

Having too many wishes does not necessarily mean that your heart is sincere.

Before the hundred-year-old tree spirit, Xu Mu tightly held his lover's hand, sincerely making his wish —

Through spring, summer, autumn, and winter, as the seasons changed, Xu Mu and Bai Nian would walk hand in hand and grow old together.

The End of the Main Plot. The next chapters will be extras.

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