The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 113


| TBBOTOF | 113

Tang Xu felt that even if Doctor Xu decided to come back with him, it might be difficult to take the young Ze’er along. After all, parents would be reluctant to let their children leave. 

That night, when Tang Xu met Xu Ze's parents, he was stunned by their actions.

The Xu family members who had gone out to work in the fields gradually returned home. Since they hadn't split up, Doctor Xu's three sons all lived together. Each of them had children, and those children had children of their own. 

The whole household, with men, women, young, and old, totaled more than twenty people.

Upon learning that Tang Xu and Wei Dong were old acquaintances of their father and were also major buyers of herbal medicine from their family, their attitude became very warm. During dinner, they set up several tables, creating a lively and noisy atmosphere.

In front of everyone, Doctor Xu spoke highly of Tang Xu's request and proposed taking Ze’er as well.

Xu Ze's parents, both in their twenties, were accompanied by two children of similar age to Ze’er, who were well-fed and chubby and not at all shy. However, he noticed that these two boys were not close to Ze’er.

Upon hearing Grandpa Xu's words, Xu Ze's father readily agreed.

Xu Ze's mother looked pleased and nodded repeatedly towards Tang Xu, saying a lot, roughly meaning that their children needed discipline and could be educated freely after being taken away, and did not need to be spoiled. 

Surprisingly, this did not lead to any reproach from others, but rather received nods of agreement, as if it were taken for granted.

Tang Xu looked at Ze’er, who was silent with his head down, and felt as if there was a lump of mud in his heart.

Seeing Ze’er dressed neatly and plump, he had thought he was so well cared for by the elders at home. 

But what did he hear just now? 

Tang Xu signaled to Wei Dong with his eyes, and after dinner, he told Doctor Xu that they would pack up and leave early the next morning.

Doctor Xu and Tang Xu had known each other for a long time. Doctor Xu could easily sense that Tang Xu didn't appreciate Xu Ze's parents' attitude.

He didn't say much, just nodded in agreement.

It was only then that Tang Xu realized Doctor Xu slept with Ze’er in the same room—a room where an elder and a child lived together.

The next day, they hurried back in a mule cart. Along the way, as Tang Xu looked at Xu Ze, who was dozing off in his arms while listening to a story, Doctor Xu sighed heavily. 

Tang Xu raised his head, questioning in his eyes, as Doctor Xu finished telling the last part of the story about the havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

Xu Ze had been excited since last night when he knew he was going out with his great-grandfather. 

He hadn't slept all night, and now, rocked by the cart, he listened to the story in a drowsy state. 

Tang Xu saw that the child was trying hard to resist sleepiness, so he patted his back gently. In a very regular way, he hummed a little lullaby to soothe him to sleep in a soft and gentle voice, "Sleep tight, dear little baby~" 

Xu Ze pursed his lips and soon fell asleep.

Tang Xu took a thin blanket from the side and covered the child. He looked up at Doctor Xu with eyes full of kidness.

Doctor Xu sighed and whispered, "Xu Ge’er, I have something to ask of you."

Tang Xu was startled, then anxious, "No, no, please, Dr. Xu, just tell us what you need. There's no need for formality. You are our benefactor. Whatever you ask, we'll do." 

Doctor Xu waved his hand and pointed to the sleeping Xu Ze, "This child has been without a mother since he was young. You've seen how his father and stepmother are. If I'm gone someday, who knows who will take care of him?" 

Tang Xu glanced down at the child curled up asleep, shivering either from cold or insecurity. He took another blanket and covered the child, feeling his warm little hand. 

"No one takes care of him," Doctor Xu sighed, "If you count feeding and clothing as care, then it's not bad. At least he's chubby.”

Tang Xu frowned slightly, "Grandpa, do you want him to stay with us?"

"Yes, he's eight years old this year, about the same age as Xiao Xi. Let him be Xiao Xi’s husband," Doctor Xu finished, leaving Tang Xu dumbfounded.

This, this, is it fostering a child as a son-in-law?

The question is, is this okay?

Whether it's good or not, Tang Xu didn't know. But after Grandpa Xu proposed it, Tang Xu discussed it with Wei Dong. 

Wei Dong shook his head directly, "Who Wei Xi wants to marry in the future is his own decision. Keeping Ze’er with us is no problem, but deciding if he can be Wei Xi's husband is not up to us." 

When Wei Dong replied like this, Doctor Xu pondered for a moment, "You're right."

The journey back took more than four hours again. Tang Xu found that Xu Ze was especially well-behaved; he did not speak much but was quite clever. He even memorized poems and phrases after Tang Xu repeated them three times. 

By the time they reached home, Xu Ze was completely fascinated by Tang Xu and had become a qualified little follower.

No one expected them to return overnight, bringing back an elder and a child.

After explaining the reasons to their family members, Doctor Xu and Xu Ze received a warm welcome from everyone.

Especially Tang Li, upon hearing how Xu Ze had been raised like an invisible person by his family, and felt sympathy for him. She even thought that this child resembled her elder brother in some ways, except he was luckier to have a great-grandfather protecting him. 

At that time, her elder brother had no one and could only rely on himself.

Tang Xu returned to his room and lay down, ignoring the lively crowd outside.

Two days of rushing around left Tang Xu physically exhausted. It took him three days to recover.

During those three days, Tang Yang and Wei Xi, these two young teenagers, along with the similarly aged Xu Ze, had explored every corner of the large mansion. 

Xu Ze, who was originally quiet and somewhat shy, became much more cheerful, running around with the other two. In the courtyard, the three of them chased each other, laughter and joy filling the air.

As people age and grow older, they often enjoy having grandchildren around them. Doctor Xu was older than the elderly couple in Tang's family, and could chat with both elders.

One would talk about his stories of treating and saving people, while the other would boast about his impressive farming skills. 

Most of the time, the old lady was busy in the courtyard, along with Tang Li. Tang Rui was also not idle; these days he was studying and reviewing in the house, as exams were coming up after the holidays.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Tang Xu got up early and taught Tang Li how to make sweet dumplings with the old lady. They followed his instructions.

The sweet dumplings swayed back and forth in the winnowing basket. Tang Li sprinkled sticky rice flour inside while spraying water. Tang Xu moved his arms at the same rhythm, rolling each dumpling perfectly round. The plump white dumplings were immediately put into the pot to cook. Everyone in the family got a bowl. After finishing them, they filled them again.

"Mmm, mine is sesame filling!" Tang Xu took a bite, soft and sticky, with a sweet and fragrant filling.

Wei Dong looked at his own half and said, "Mine's peanut."

Tang Xu chuckled and nodded in satisfaction as he watched everyone enjoying their meal without lifting their heads.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the elderly couple from the Tang family mentioned returning home, but Tang Xu insisted on keeping them until the second day of the second lunar month, which is the day of "Dragon Raises its Head." 

He said he wanted to cook a big pig's head and send them off after the meal. 

The elderly couple thought he meant cooking just one pig's head, but to their surprise, the day before, Wei Dong had bought three large pig's heads from the butcher, cleaned them thoroughly, and split them as Tang Xu requested. 

They were then stewed in a large pot connected to the stove, simmering over low heat for the whole night. 

Late into the night, the aroma of meat filled several houses, and everyone except Tang Xu couldn't sleep well.

Early the next morning, just after Tang Xu finished washing up, Tang Yang hugged his leg. This little rascal had grown quite a bit taller now, standing up to Tang Xu's waist.

He sat down on the ground as soon as he hugged Tang Xu's leg, with a satisfied grin on his face, "What are you doing?" Tang Xu chuckled and looked down at him, pinching his chubby face. 

"Don't sit on the ground, or a bug might bite your butt!"

"It's so cold, there can't be bugs here, Brother, you're teasing me." Tang Yang pouted but obediently stood up.

"Brother, can you give me a piece of meat? It smells so good, I couldn't sleep all night because of the aroma." Tang Yang swallowed saliva, his eyes full of anticipation. 

He shook Tang Xu's hand, "Brother, please!" 

Tang Xu agreed repeatedly, asking Wei Dong to help put the cooked meat into a basin. After deboning it, he cut a piece for Tang Yang, who eagerly took the bones to gnaw on. 

Tang Xu wrapped the meat in gauze, pressed it with a stone to cool and set it into shape. By lunchtime, the pressed pig's head meat was sliced and served with garlic sauce, tasting exceptionally delicious.

In the afternoon, they sent the elderly couple back with half a pig's head meat and plenty of preserved vegetables.

Wu Guizhi kept muttering in the cart, complaining about how they took so much. Tang Xu didn't say anything, as Wei Dong drove the cart. 

Tang Xu did not follow. Wei Dong was driving the car. When he heard the old lady muttering, "It's just a little something from Ah Xu's heart, you guys have suffered a lot. We can't let you go back empty-handed." 

"How have we suffered? Your grandfather and I have been eating and sleeping well at your place these days, and we've both gained weight." Wu Guizhi laughed with wrinkles on her face. "Your grandfather even mentioned to me that living here is comfortable and less noisy. Your father also said he wants to build a new house next to yours, and we both agreed." 

Wei Dong nodded, "Being close makes it easier for us to take care of each other."

As Wei Dong sent the elderly couple off, on the other side, Tang Rui was also packing his belongings, planning to stay one more night and leave the next day.

Feeling somewhat reluctant, Tang Rui sat by the kang, looking at the clothes packed in his bundle, pursing his lips.

Tang Xu came over and knocked on the door. Upon entering, he tossed a small purse of money to Tang Rui.

Tang Rui was puzzled, looking at him, "What's this for?"

"Living expenses," Tang Xu waved his hand, indicating for him to check it himself.

Tang Rui opened it and found besides a couple of silver coins, there were also some copper coins, totaling about four taels. He furrowed his brows and looked at Tang Xu, and said, "Dad has already given me money."

Tang Xu nodded, "I know. This is what you've earned from working around the house during this time, including helping with chores, chopping wood, and teaching your younger siblings how to read. I heard from Ah Yang that you wrote two copybooks for them." 

Tang Rui nodded quietly.

Tang Xu continued, "Thank you."

"I..." Tang Rui looked up at him but hesitated.

"What? Just say it." Tang Xu didn't like his hesitant attitude and urged, "Hurry up, I have things to do."

Taking a deep breath, Tang Rui said, "I wanted to thank you, Brother, for taking care of Dad and my younger siblings. I was wrong before and shouldn't have spoken to you like that."

Tang Xu nodded, "Alright. I accept your apology. No need to be so formal. They are also my family. When you go back, focus more on your studies. Don't get involved in those messy things."

"I understand, Brother. I will definitely study hard." Tang Rui assured him earnestly.

Tang Xu didn't say more. After all, whether he would change his shortcomings depended on himself.

Soon, the weather warmed up, and a new round of busyness began around the house.

In the blink of an eye, it was already April.

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  1. Ahh love it! Each update has me so happy

  2. Well i hope Tang Rui change for the better.. thank you for the update.. 🐾❤️


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