The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 80


TGMNDIAR - 80 | Extra

The waiter at the café noticed that the customer by the floor-to-ceiling window had been waiting for four hours.

However, the friend he was waiting for still hadn’t arrived.

"Sir, would you like a refill?" The waiter approached with a smile, not sure how many times he had asked already.

"Yes, thank you." The man lightly tapped the light screen with his long fingers, looked up, and spoke in a low, magnetic voice.

The waiter felt his heart flutter and immediately picked up the cup, his smile growing wider. 

"You're welcome."

—Goodness, this man was so much more handsome up close.

Dressed in a well-fitted black suit, he exuded a cool demeanor that aroused curiosity. His features were chiseled, his jawline sharp, and his face was exceedingly handsome.

He served the man so attentively, becoming the most dedicated employee, undoubtedly because of the man's looks.

"Sir, your coffee." The waiter softened his voice. "Has your friend still not arrived?"

Xu Mu raised his eyes. "Yes, he was delayed due to some matters."

He felt a bit nervous inside, lamenting: Damn, waiting here like this does make him feel stupid!

The waiter said, "Oh, that's really unfortunate, they made you wait so long."

Xu Mu: "…Mm."

The waiter was about to say something more when a hasty male voice came from behind.

"Sorry, sorry, some clients always change their requirements, and I had to stay with them." Lou Haoyu was panting heavily as he hurried over.

Xu Mu nodded, "It's okay, have a seat."

The waiter felt awkward, unsure if the man had heard what he had said.

He stiffly asked, "Hello, sir, may I take your order?"

Lou Haoyu: "A glass of lemonade, please, with ice."


After Lou Haoyu sat down, he looked Xu Mu up and down and sighed, "Being a freelancer is great. Being a game streamer is way more freeing than me being stuck at the office every day like a slave drawing designs."

After graduation, he had joined a private design firm, working tirelessly day in and day out.

Xu Mu took a sip of coffee. "Every profession has its hardships."

Lou Haoyu laughed and swore, "Nonsense. You are glowing; where's the hardship? And you're all dressed up in a suit and tie. What have you been up to?"

He continued, enviously, "Aren't you streamers supposed to stay up all night? Why don't you have dark circles under your eyes? Look at mine—"

Lou Haoyu leaned in, pulling at his own eyelids. "I am totally drained."

"There was a small event at the association this morning that I had to attend. I came here in a hurry and didn’t have time to change, so I dressed a bit more formally. If I had known you'd be late, I would have worn something more comfortable."

Xu Mu smiled, pushing Lou Haoyu's face away. "No worries, your still very manly."

Lou Haoyu laughed heartily and, dropping the banter, got to the point: "Hey, next month Yueyue and I are getting married. You must come."

"Childhood sweethearts getting together—I thought you were joking when you told me back then," Xu Mu said.

He accepted the box Lou Haoyu handed over, opened it, and found an exquisitely crafted wedding invitation with thoughtful details.

Lou Haoyu, usually carefree, rubbed his nose and chuckled at these words. "It's fate. It was destined all along. Even I didn't expect it."

Xu Mu closed the invitation. "I'll be there."

"And make sure to bring Brother Bai," Lou Haoyu reminded him.

Xu Mu glanced at him, remaining silent.

"What kind of look is that?" Lou Haoyu raised an eyebrow.

Xu Mu said, "Just looking at who’s being so shameless."

Lou Haoyu laughed, "What's the matter? You don't like me calling him 'Brother Bai'? Oh, come on, no need to be so petty."

He pretended to sigh dramatically. "There's no way around it. The design circle is so small that if you're in the same field, you're bound to see each other every day."

Xu Mu remained silent, unwilling to engage.

Lou Haoyu kept talking, "Hey, didn't Brother Bai just go to Vils Star to win the 'Philine' Gold Award the other day? Tsk tsk, the youngest gold award winner in decades, all the media scrambling to report on him. Truly deserving of his former glory—"

Xu Mu's head began to buzz. He rubbed his temples. "Alright, let's talk business."

Lou Haoyu clicked his tongue and pursed his lips. "Fine, fine, business it is!"

"You know, our boss is a second-generation rich kid, he’s involved in all kinds of fields. That recently booming game company 'Zhan Yi' was founded by him."

Xu Mu nodded to show he understood.

"The ads for 'Grey Blue Moment' are everywhere. Ever since the last game was a huge success, our boss has been ambitious, wanting to make a big name in the industry." Lou Haoyu took a sip of his lemonade.

"He wants to make a splash in the gaming world, and knowing that we know each other, he asked me to connect with you. The internet says you're almost at the point of signing a contract, right?" He made a gesture and wobbled his head. "You must have a lot of companies seeking you out?"

Xu Mu said, "Yes, quite a few."

Lou Haoyu scratched the back of his head. "Well, I'm just here to relay a message from the boss, to discuss the terms or get a feel for your stance. Of course, if you think it's too much trouble, you can refuse outright."

He gestured seriously and, pinching his voice, said, "After all, our Brother Xu, this super top streamer, deserves the best~"

Xu Mu's mouth twitched, but he didn't comment. "Let me take a look."

Lou Haoyu sent him the document.

"These are the preliminary terms. The details and everything can be negotiated."

Xu Mu skimmed through it. "I'll get back to you later."

Lou Haoyu had no objections. "It does need a careful look."

After saying goodbye to Lou Haoyu, Xu Mu drove his rover to the spaceship center to pick someone up.

[Xu: Brother Nian, have you arrived?]

No reply.

Xu Mu easily navigated through the crowd going the opposite direction, holding a bouquet of roses, and waited at the arrivals gate.

[Bai: Just got out of the cabin. Where are you?]

Xu Mu sent a photo.

[Bai: You're at gate L?]

[Xu: Yes]

[Bai: But I'm at gate I]

Xu Mu: !!!

He didn't have time to think. He dashed to gate I.

His figure sped through the sunlight, dressed in a suit, with the bouquet of red roses blooming passionately in his arms, inevitably drawing frequent glances.

"Wow, mommy, it's roses!" A little girl with pigtails stood on tiptoe, looking up in amazement.

The mother looked down gently. "Yes, baby. Let's make way for this brother."

The little girl nodded obediently.

Xu Mu seemed to sense something and unintentionally locked eyes with the girl’s amber gaze.

Soon, the flowing crowd swept past like phantoms. Xu Mu couldn't recall the looks of those glancing at him; shadows on either side retreated. He gazed intently into the distance, trying to spot a familiar figure.

Not him...

Not him either...

Still not him...

Xu Mu scanned each person, eager to see Bai Nian as soon as possible.

“Brother Nian!” His mouth suddenly curved into a smile, and he called out loud.

The slender figure paused, then turned around.

Sunlight fell on his face, delicate and gentle, his features somewhat blurred, the contour of his jaw gilded with a layer of golden light, delicate and beautiful.

Xu Mu's heart beat a bit faster.

As the distance closed, his joy grew.

Bai Nian's smile spread, his eyes curved into crescents, “Ah Mu.”

Xu Mu hugged him tightly, pressing his cheek against the other's neck.

“I missed you so much, Brother Nian.”

It had been nearly five days since he last saw him.

Bai Nian chuckled softly, “Me too.”

Xu Mu exhaled, stepped back a bit, and handed the flowers to him, “These are for you.”

Bai Nian's smile deepened as he gently played with the flower petals. "Thank you for the flowers."

Xu Mu stared at Bai Nian without blinking, unwilling to look away for even a moment.

His gaze drifted slightly downward, landing on Bai Nian's faintly red lips.

He asked, "Are you tired? Did you rest well on the way here?"

"Not too bad, I managed," Bai Nian's eyelashes trembled slightly. He didn't shy away from Xu Mu's intense gaze but gently turned his head to the side.

Xu Mu's Adam's apple moved ever so slightly.

He lowered his head and brushed his lips against Bai Nian's cheek.

Bai Nian lowered his eyes, smiling at him indulgently.

His fingers slid to the back of Xu Mu's neck. "Let's go home first."



"Welcome home master," Nades bowed.

Xu Mu hurriedly responded, grabbing Bai Nian's hand and heading to the room.

"Bang!" The bouquet of roses fell to the ground, scattering a few petals.

Xu Mu pressed Bai Nian against the door, one leg forcing its way between his tightly closed knees. Lowering his head, he pried open Bai Nian's lips.

Bai Nian offered no resistance, tilting his head back slightly and letting Xu Mu take control.

Their lips and tongues entwined slowly, the soft walls of Bai Nian's mouth being thoroughly explored. Transparent saliva trickled from the corners of their mouths.

With their lips still connected, the faint sound of their kiss and a slight "gulp" resonated, as their heated breaths mingled. 

Xu Mu's thumb stroked Bai Nianye's Adam's apple as he hoarsely asked, "…What are you thinking about?"

Bai Nian's eyes were slightly red as he mumbled, "What happened… why are you kissing me so fiercely?"

"I missed you." Xu Mu was enthralled, nibbling on Bai Nian's tongue, the familiar scent overwhelming his senses and making him uncontrollably excited.

Bai Nian's cheeks were flushed, struggling to breathe under the intense kiss. He pressed against Xu Mu's chest, his wrist bending backward, and his waist trembled slightly.

Xu Mu's arm circled his waist, skillfully lifting his shirt.

Suddenly, a "ding" sounded.

"The assistant system reminder: Please don’t forget the live stream you scheduled~"

Xu Mu froze.

"Damn!" he cursed under his breath.

Bai Nian leaned against the door, his legs twisted together. He breathed heavily and struggled to stand.

Xu Mu pulled him back into his arms and muttered, "I don't want to stream."

Bai Nian, struggling to gather his thoughts, gently coaxed, "Be good… you set the alarm, which means the notification went out."

"I set the schedule last week and forgot to cancel it."

"…Then there's no choice." Bai Nian's fingers combed through Xu Mu's hair. "It's the end of the month anyway. Wouldn't it be better to finish the stream early?"

"You stay with me during the stream."

"Mm..." Bai Nian nodded slowly. "I'll change my clothes first."

Xu Mu raised an eyebrow.

He lifted his knee slightly and gave Bai Nian a sticky kiss on the lips. "So fast?"

Bai Nian remained silent, his cheeks burning as he leaned against Xu Mu's shoulder.

Just as Xu Mu was about to say something, the assistant chimed again with "ding ding."

Bai Nian gave him a sidelong glance. "…It's reminding you."


"Why are you following me?"

"To wash my hands."


"Is that not okay?"

Xu Mu looked at him innocently, raising his hands.

Under the light, a glimmer of water flashed by.

Bai Nian shot him a sideways glance.


【Viewers: 1,892,033】

【Why does Brother Xu seem so irritable today?】

【More than that, he's headshotting every zombie】

【His face looks dark too】

【Brother Xu seemed normal at MuW's event this morning】

【Yeah, he even won some Super Influencer Award with a big prize, he looked so dashing in that suit with those long legs】

【You guys went to the event?】

【So jealous, I couldn’t get a ticket】

【Speaking of which, is Brother Xu switching companies? His contract is ending soon】

【Could it be that his contract negotiations with MuW didn’t go well this morning?】

【That’s possible】

【Come on, it can’t be that bad. Brother Xu has made so much money, he could live off it for ten lifetimes, why care about this…】

【Who doesn’t want more money?】

【Did Brother Xu get dumped?】

【Oh ho, maybe our sister-in-law finally had enough】

【Hahaha, after all, he’s not young anymore, no longer that fresh and exciting, no need to keep around.】

【By my calculations, Brother Xu is 25 now】

【A tough age for a man, they have the will but no strength】


"Spreading false rumors, banned for one minute," Xu Mu suddenly said coldly.

【You punk】

【Hey hey, aren't you supposed to be ignoring the comments while playing?】

【Could it really be a breakup? Why are you so agitated?】

【Looks like he’s flustered】


【…Could be, we haven’t heard sister-in-law’s gentle voice in days】

"He was on a business trip the past few days, so he wasn’t around." Xu Mu hid in a dilapidated tower, biting an energy bar and reloading ammo. "But he's back today."

A slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

【Look at you smiling like an idiot】

【The stoic face finally cured】

【Then bring sister-in-law out, ah ah ah ah!】

【Quick, we’re tired of you already! Xu dog! We want something new!】

A rustling sound came from nearby.

It was very light, almost inaudible.

But Xu Mu immediately noticed, lowering the opacity, making the surrounding ruins of the tower fade. "Brother."

【Oh my, brother~~~】

【That’s quite a sweet call】

【Three tones in one note, how flirtatious】

【Here it comes, the face-changing trick】

【Look at that big smile, tsk tsk】

【How about having sister-in-law join the game?】

【Support, just showing sister-in-law’s pretty hands is a treat】

【In an immersive horror puzzle game, you want a pop-up to see hands???】

【So what, I love seeing Xu's big head in the corner of the screen】

【Hilarious, you must be a face fan】

【Both a fan of appearance and technology (shy)】

Bai Nian smiled softly and whispered, "Should I sit next to you?"


Bai Nian, outside the camera's view, curiously stared at the surrounding screens. The game screen floated three-dimensionally, and from his perspective, the image appeared faint, with a young man sitting in a chair, propping his chin.

"Are you playing a new game?"

"Yeah, just released, a mildly scary one called 'Zombie Groom'."

"A horror game?" Bai Nian became interested.

"A bit, but mainly puzzle-solving and killing zombies."

Bai Nian became engrossed, focusing on the screen.

"...Looks like a lot of fun," he said.

Xu Mu paused, "Do you want to play?"

"Can I?" Bai Nian tilted his head.

Time hadn't left too many marks on his face; his gray-blue eyes remained gentle, and the moment he smiled, it revealed the charm accumulated over time.

"You can. It has a two-player mode," Xu Mu's fingers moved faster as he spoke. "But its holographic simulation has a high immersion level; you might feel dizzy."

"Then... I'll lower the opacity," Bai Nian suggested.

"Okay." Xu Mu finished the level, the victorious bloody text slowly appearing. "How much do you want to lower it by?"

"Maybe... ten percent," Bai Nian pondered. "I'll try it first."


Bai Nian tried ten percent, but even a slight movement made him feel dizzy.

"Feeling better?" Xu Mu furrowed his brows, reaching out to gently massage Bai Nian's temples.

Bai Nian closed his eyes and sighed softly, "Still not great."

"How about lowering it some more?" Xu Mu suggested. "Five percent? Are you still feeling dizzy?"

"Dizzy," Bai Nian confirmed.

"Four percent?"

"Still a bit," Bai Nian replied.

"Three percent?" Xu Mu vetoed his own suggestion. "Feels like it's still too high. Let's try one percent."

【That's enough. Who plays a horror game and sets the opacity to one percent?!!!】

【Okay okay, you're considerate enough to adjust the full screen and sound effects for us】

【Is the action not too sluggish? Puzzle-solving is fine, but killing zombies...】

【Forget it, Xu will probably rely on his hands again】

【My fingers ache just thinking about tapping once】

【Sometimes I wonder if Xu is some ancient relic from a thousand years ago, only loving mobile games】

"Brother, follow me," Xu Mu said.

"Okay," Bai Nian obediently followed behind.

As the eerie background music softly played, Bai Nian's heart inexplicably skipped a beat, and in reality, he found himself unconsciously leaning against Xu Mu's back.

Xu Mu paused, "What's wrong?"

"...Nothing," Bai Nian said, but he didn't move away.

【Why does it feel like their hands are getting closer and closer?】

【Hey, with the opacity this low, relying solely on mental strength won't work. It's all about using your hands. Can't you leave a bit more room for movement?】

【Is sister-in-law sitting in Brother Xu's lap?】

【Nope, sitting on his thigh】

【Hahahaha, probably just leaning against Brother Xu's back】

【...Look at this closeness. If the camera caught Brother Xu's face, he'd probably be grinning from ear to ear】

Although Bai Nian started cautiously from behind, he gradually took the lead. He decoded quickly, sometimes even before Xu Mu finished calculating, and his accuracy was exceptionally high.

"We're about to encounter a zombie horde," Xu Mu reminded.

"Okay," Bai Nian replied eagerly.

"Don't rush too far ahead, let me give you some equipment," Xu Mu cautioned.

Bai Nian was curious, "Where did you get it?"

"I picked it up just now. Didn't you see when you were walking in front?" Xu Mu responded.

Bai Nian exclaimed, "You should have told me!"

"No," Xu Mu said seriously, "I want to be your little man behind you!"


【Haha, hilarious】

【What a freaking little man】

【I was wondering why Xu was carrying all the equipment like a big fat guy】

【Sister-in-law, if you meet a guy who carries equipment for you, just marry him】

【Wait, Brother Xu wants to be the little man, so sister-in-law should marry him】

Xu Mu carefully explained the weaknesses of various types of zombies to Bai Nian and taught him how to switch weapons for precise attacks.

Bai Nian nodded earnestly, learning with great concentration.

"...Watch me demonstrate first," Xu Mu said.


Xu Mu was well-versed in the fatal points of each type of zombie: burning their eyes, water striking their heads, freezing their bodies, or shooting their hearts...

Bai Nian marveled, "So this is how you use the candles, and you have to heat the explosive balls."

Xu Mu explained, "Yeah, usually the usage of items you pick up is related to the decryption content at the time."

【Very good, taking some notes】

【Damn, I finally know how to use scissors now...】

【Brother Xu's brain... I suspect he's the game designer】

【Did he really not secretly practice?】

【Even if he did, it's normal, after all, he's a streamer】

【I don't think so. Look, he was still rusty in the first round; he only got better as it went on】

Bai Nian tried to mimic Xu Mu's moves but found himself missing every shot, sometimes even dropping his weapon.

— The blur degree made his reaction slow, and judging the direction of his field of vision was difficult.

Noticing this, Xu Mu effortlessly leaped around Bai Nian, operating in a dazzling manner. He skillfully drew a circle around Bai Nian, and not a single zombie dared to step forward.

"Brother, feel free to throw," Xu Mu said.

"Isn't it a waste?" Bai Nian sighed.

"Oh, it's okay, as long as I hit," Xu Mu reassured him.

【I told you it's hard to play with one percent blur!!!】

【Sister-in-law's reaction is normal; Brother Xu's speed and reflexes are monstrous】

【It feels like Brother Xu could consider going pro】

【Ah, Brother Xu seems like the prince's bodyguard】

【Hahaha, indeed, let sister-in-law do the thinking, he's in charge of killing】

【He's damn handsome too】

【Yeah, even in that ugly limited edition outfit, he still looks kinda cool】

"Okay, zombies are all down," Xu Mu said. "Let's go to the next location."

Bai Nian was still immersed in Xu Mu's brilliant slaughter and didn't react much.

Xu Mu directly grabbed his hand, clasping his fingertips and lightly pinching the soft flesh. "Let's go," he said.

Bai Nian snapped out of it. "Okay."


【It's fine if they're gaming, but why are they touchy in real life?】

【Tsk, lovey-dovey couple】

【Brother Xu even secretly pinched sister-in-law's hands】

【Sister-in-law's hand is really beautiful, long and slender, and the knuckles are lightly pink】

As they progressed through the levels, the difficulty increased drastically. The zombies piled up like mountains and seas, stacked on top of each other.

Bai Nian tried hard to imitate Xu Mu's zombie-killing techniques, and his accuracy improved significantly.

"Brother, you're really amazing," he said.

"Yeah, you go over there,”

"Brother, watch out for the gap behind you."

"Press down on these two spots, swipe in an arc, preferably level, then flip backward, and then jump over it—forget it, I'll just carry you over."


From start to finish, Xu Mu calmly directed and his emotional value was maxed out, smiling and chatting with Bai Nian. 

Bai Nian became more and more interested as he played, gradually experiencing the joy of killing zombies.

"We won?" Bai Nian let out a sigh of relief, his tense heartstrings loosening.

"Just won?" Xu Mu repeated, leaning close to Bai Nian's neck, lazily saying, "It wasn't easy, was it?"

Bai Nian felt embarrassed. "Sorry, I feel like I held you back."

"Brother, how could you ever hold me back?" Xu Mu chuckled. "I had a great time."

【No wonder you're in a relationship】

【No wonder you've been together for so long】

【Turns out he really has two faces, I feel like a clown】

【He's so good at sweet talk】

【Clearly it's just being spoiled...and most importantly, he's not shy about it at all!!!】

【Because he's younger, right? Calling him brother without reservation】

【Damn it, Brother Xu, what are you doing!!!】

"My hands aren't as agile as yours, and my reaction is slower," Bai Nian shook his head, self-awareness in his tone. "Maybe I shouldn't..."

Xu Mu squeezed his hand, pressing his fingertips against his palm, and pulled it forward, leaning down to kiss his fingertips.

Bai Nian was momentarily stunned.

The soft touch vanished in an instant.

Xu Mu raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips.

"Thanks for helping me win today," he kissed it again, saying with a smile.

"You're my super lucky charm."

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