It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 107


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 107

The car drove for a while in silence, with only the flickering light of street lamps passing by outside. Lin Su leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed, resting. Ji Heng fiddled with his phone for a bit, then glanced at Lin Su and asked, "Hey, why didn’t you have a parent come pay your fine?"

"I have my own money," Lin Su replied, eyes still closed. "Who needs parents?"

"Afraid of losing face?" Ji Heng continued.

"Yeah, afraid of losing face," Lin Su responded lazily, clearly not interested in the conversation.

Ji Heng, who had just calmed down, felt his anger flare up again. "Afraid of losing face, but you still got into a fight. Even if your parents don’t find out, the school will definitely issue a reprimand. You’ll have to write a long apology letter."

"You talk as if you didn’t fight. The police said it wasn’t self-defense; it was mutual fight. Mutual fight, understand? You’ll have to write an apology letter too," Lin Su opened his eyes and rolled them.

"Wow, you really are asking for it. I was trying to be nice!" Ji Heng gritted his teeth.

"Driver, stop the car. He’s getting off here," Lin Su called out to the driver, who was focused on driving and too uninterested to deal with the childish argument between the two.

This tone made the humble taxi feel like a luxury car.

Ji Heng gritted his teeth harder. "Damn it, driver, I’ll pay double. Throw him out."

"I’ll pay triple," Lin Su snorted.

"Five times the fare. If I back down, I’m a wimp," Ji Heng declared, pulling out his phone to display his balance. "Think I can't afford it? Driver, stop the car!"

Lin Su smirked. "Driver, keep going. I called the car, and if you stop, I’ll leave a bad review."

At this, the previously silent driver finally spoke up, "I listen to the person who called the car."

Ji Heng was momentarily speechless.

Lin Su glanced at him, a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth. "Not my fault, then."

The smile was insincere, clearly meant to provoke. Ji Heng gritted his teeth, slapping his thigh in frustration. "Damn it, I’ll buy this car!"

"You think this is a TV show? Buy it and drive yourself?" Lin Su retorted.

Ji Heng: "..."

He felt utterly defeated. How could this guy be so infuriating? Ji Heng had thought Lin Su was also neglected, but now he just felt exasperated.

The car turned and stopped in front of a high-end neighborhood where taxis were not allowed to enter at night. The driver unlocked the doors. "Alright, get out. And give me a five-star rating."

"No problem," Lin Su quickly clicked to pay and rated five stars before getting out.

As Lin Su exited, Ji Heng started to give his own destination, but the driver glared at him. "You too, get out."

Ji Heng protested, "This isn't my stop."

"You're taking other fares. Call another car," the driver said, looking at Ji Heng. "Follow the normal procedure."

Ji Heng was at a loss for words. Unable to force himself to stay in the car, he silently got out. As the car door remained open, he overheard the driver muttering, "Showing off with parents’ hard-earned money. Tsk. If it were my kid… Close the damn door."

Ji Heng slammed the door shut, watching the car drive away with a sense of finality.

Lin Su, who was still at the entrance of the brightly lit neighborhood, had heard the driver’s comment as well. He and Ji Heng exchanged glances.

"Such a show-off," Ji Heng scoffed.

"Same," Lin Su said, folding his arms.

The two self-important individuals, facing the same predicament, shared a moment of mutual understanding and a laugh.

When two rivals found themselves in the same situation, they often found common ground and could laugh off their grievances.

"I’m using my parents’ money, not his. It’s not his business. Serves him right, he's not making any money," Ji Heng said, clearly holding a grudge.

"Exactly. I would’ve given him a lower rating if I’d known," Lin Su licked his lips. "Adults can be so petty."

"Well, let me call another car. You head home first," Ji Heng said.

Lin Su began, "If you don’t mind…"

“Not at all,” Ji Heng quickly responded.

“If you don’t mind, I can play a song to send you off, ‘A Thousand Miles Away,’” Lin Su said with a straight face.

“Thanks for offering me a place to stay,” Ji Heng said, pulling Lin Su’s shoulder. Given Lin Su’s current condition, he was no match for Ji Heng’s strength and ended up being dragged along.

“You’ve got such thick skin, I could use it to wipe the floor,” Lin Su said helplessly. “I have women at home; it’s not convenient.”

“Women? Who, the housekeeper?” Ji Heng continued to walk with his arm around Lin Su’s shoulder.

Lin Su clicked his tongue. “Ah, you get it right away. Seems like we’re kindred spirits.”

Lin Su genuinely had the intention to offer Ji Heng a place to stay; otherwise, they wouldn’t have had such a childish argument in the taxi. 

To become friends, it’s important to see each other at their worst. 

"Lead the way quickly." 

Ji Heng followed him into the community and said, "You don't think I know the way, do you?"

Lin Su’s residence was separate from his father and stepmother. The phrase "where there’s a stepmother, there’s a stepfather" was applicable here, especially after his father had a young daughter. With all the constant bickering and quarrels—big and small—Lin Su’s father couldn’t abandon his wife and child. 

Therefore, when Lin Su was in high school, his father put him in this upscale neighborhood close to school.

Accommodation isn’t an issue at all. As long as you don’t cause trouble, basically no one will bother you.

“Let’s go.” Lin Su led him into his residence.

The place wasn’t small; it had three bedrooms and a living room, along with a maid’s room. It was more than enough for a family, let alone for two young men.

The house was tidy, clearly someone had cleaned it. The decor was like a model room, with various game posters on the walls and a variety of figures and models on the desk. The game computer and mechanical keyboard were all present. At first glance, it looked like an internet café.

This residence definitely didn’t conform to the usual way of home decor, but Ji Heng whistled when he saw it and said, “Cool, is this a new model?”

“You didn’t buy one?” Lin Su raised an eyebrow.

“Bought two,” Ji Heng replied. As he changed his shoes, he noticed Lin Su’s shoe cabinet filled with various trendy brand shoes and remarked, “Quite a collection you have.”

“Of course,” Lin Su glanced at the shoes Ji Heng was wearing and chuckled, “You really are willing to wear such expensive shoes for a fight.”

Ji Heng lowered his head and took off his shoes, saying, “What’s the big deal? I bought three identical pairs of every shoe I own.”

Lin Su asked, “...One pair for wearing, one for backup, and one for collecting?”

Such a large guy wasn’t at the age of liking cars yet. After all, even if you had a car, you couldn’t drive it. And limited edition shoes, aside from the cost, are sometimes hard to get even if you have money. You have to buy several pairs at once.

“You don’t do that?” Ji Heng asked, surprised.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow and replied, “What do you think?”

Bumping fists was a common occurrence. Ji Heng had always thought it was impossible to find a like-minded friend at the third middle school because most students in Class One spent their days buried in textbooks, endlessly memorizing classical literature and poetry. If you made a single mistake, you lost a point.

Ji Heng believed he would never succumb to such things, but this attitude only led to resistance from classmates and teachers. When both sides view each other as fools, making friends is as difficult as climbing to the heavens.

“Damn, I didn’t realize you were just like me. How about an all-night gaming session tonight?” Ji Heng changed into slippers and casually threw himself onto the sofa, making himself completely at home.

The two of them were the only ones who could sleep in class without being reprimanded. As long as they didn’t cause trouble, the school was more than happy to let them have two spots to sleep in, considering their contributions to public resources.

Given the original owner’s nature, skipping class was nothing unusual, let alone staying up all night playing games.

“You go ahead and play by yourself. I’m injured and need to rest,” Lin Su said, touching his forehead. “I’d rather not bleed to death.”

“If you’re not playing, then forget it. Sleep is fine too.” Ji Heng felt a bit bored, but dragging an injured friend to play games all night was too inhumane.

Lin Su went to the bathroom. This was the first time seeing the original owner’s appearance in this world. His skin was very white, to the point of looking unhealthy. He was of average height but too thin. He had standard phoenix eyes and thick, well-defined eyebrows, though he had a broken eyebrow and flamboyant, fiery red hair. Against his excessively pale and emaciated face, he had a gloomy aura about him.

He tugged at the fiery red strands of hair on his forehead and asked, 【  Does this school not care?】

【  First Middle School is a semi-public, semi-private institution. With money, you can solve any problem.】System 06 replied.

【  I see.】 Lin Su, after assessing the situation, heard Ji Heng talking on the phone while he was washing his hands in the bathroom.

“Hello, this is the police station. We need you to provide some personal information…” Ji Heng’s voice was overly formal, even a bit fake. “Hello? Hello! They hung up? Damn it!”

Lin Su peeked out from the bathroom and asked, “Who are you calling?”

“The person who reported us…” Ji Heng gritted his teeth.

“Where did you get that number?” Lin Su grabbed the door frame.

Ji Heng pouted and said, “I peeked at it from the police before leaving. They dared to call the cops and get me in trouble. I’m going to find that person.”

“And then what? Beat them up again and get arrested once more?” Lin Su said while drying his face. “They called the police because there were so many of them and you were alone. They were just trying to help you.”

He was used to handling problems in an adult manner, as they did have a fault to begin with. Ji Heng, however, looked at him with narrowed eyes and asked, “Whose side are you on?”

Lin Su took off the towel and said with righteous indignation, “We must go find that person and beat them so badly their own mother wouldn’t recognize them.” 

Ji Heng: “…”

He feels like he’s treating him like a three-year-old instead of an adult.

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