It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 34


IETSTSMLARA | The Rising Movie Emperor | 34

Of course, Lin Su couldn't let such a misunderstanding arise, so he spoke frankly, "I want to see you wear it."

Zhou Xintang's complex face turned embarrassed, his earlobes almost dripping blood from blushing so much. "You, looking all proper and presentable..."

He hadn't expected he had this kind of hobby.

But his mind was already considering the scene when he would wear it, feeling both embarrassed and a little covertly excited.

Excited my foot!

"Well, actually, I have some dirty thoughts," Lin Su was unashamed, "You don't have to wear a cat costume, a bunny costume will do."

Zhou Xintang covered his face and after a while, forcibly restored his facial expression, "Why would I wear that?"

"You wanted to ask me for something, didn't you?" Lin Su smiled softly, gently poking his nose.

Although that smile looked entirely evil to Zhou Xintang.

"I..." Zhou Xintang nervously scratched his pants, "Can't you just pretend you didn't hear anything?!"

If he made it so clear, how could he bring himself to wear it?

Lin Su rubbed his chin, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Zhou Xintang: "..."

Changing the subject so obviously, negative points!

"I want noodles," Zhou Xintang finally seized a lifeline and came down, otherwise, it would be too awkward, so awkward he wished he could merge with the sun and sky.

Lin Su spoke up, "Alright, how about eating cat ears then? It's settled."

After saying this, he turned and left, his graceful figure instantly dismantling the halfway-built lifeline Zhou Xintang had.

The cat costume still needed to be prepared, but Zhou Xintang was a bit more cautious when purchasing it. Since he was going to die, why not bring a scapegoat along?

Lin Su finally got to see Zhou Xintang in his cat costume. The lifelike cat ears on his head seemed to twitch with every movement. 

His well-defined joints were adorned with a pair of realistic cat paws that many fans were eagerly shouting to lick. Lin Su took a glance and figured the material of the paw pads must be quite nice. 

As for the tail wrapped around his waist and hanging down, it went without saying.

When Zhou Xintang pushed open the door and entered with slightly flushed cheeks, letting out a "meow~", Lin Su felt a dual shock to both his visual and auditory senses, his blood even seemed to flow backward.

The beautiful cat walked gracefully, half crouching and half leaning on Lin Su's knee. When he looked up, those watery phoenix eyes were strangely flirtatious, somewhat resembling cat eyes: "Master, please stroke me."

Although the embarrassment was overwhelming, Zhou Xintang was definitely dedicated.

Lin Su reached out and scratched his chin, seeing him close his eyes contentedly, his voice already husky when he spoke, "You're the most beautiful cat I've ever seen."

The ensuing chaos would be unforgettable for Zhou Xintang, to the extent that he would blush whenever he saw anything resembling cat ears, and it got so bad that he couldn't even keep a cat as a pet.

Inadvertently, this effect leaked out on variety shows, leading to the conclusion that Zhou Xintang was undoubtedly a cat lover.

Just look at those shy eyes when he sees a cat.

Just look at those movements as if he wants to cuddle the cat's belly.

Zhou Xintang was a cat lover, case closed.

The fans didn't know that their Zhou Xintang wasn't the one cuddling the cat, but the one being cuddled, which was quite tragic.

After learning this, Lin Su remarked that cuddling a cat was nothing compared to cuddling the best actor. He can touch the flesh pads and pinch the ears, wasn't it wonderful?

With Zhou Xintang sacrificing himself like this, Lin Su agreed to join Director Lu's crew to play the lead role in "Assassinate Qin".

System 06, the bystander, saw through it all: 【Wasn't the host planning to join the crew from the beginning?】

Of course, Lin Su had planned to join the crew from the beginning. The CP between Zhou Xintang and Cheng Luozhu in "The Warlords" was so popular that it even overshadowed the CP between him and Zhou Xintang. "

Assassinate Qin" was naturally a countermeasure to reclaim that attention. Once the fans stopped resisting their CP and even wished for them to be together, there would be fewer obstacles in the future.

It was a good thing that could not be missed.

But Lin Su kept this understanding to himself; there was no need to tell his lover.

【That's not true, it's all thanks to Xintang himself.】 Lin Su smiled candidly.

Once again, System 06 received a perfect acting score from the host: 100 out of 100.

Human routines are truly like sows wearing bras.

"Assassinate Qin" had been in production for a long time, with only the lead actor's scenes left to shoot when Lin Su joined the crew. Various aspects of "The Road" were being adjusted at the time, and all the scene setups were done in advance, creating a month-long gap specifically for him and Zhou Xintang.

Director Lu originally thought they would have to squeeze in some time for Lin Su's scenes, but having a satisfactory lead actor was already a blessing.

However, when Lin Su started shooting, Director Lu's mindset began to crumble just a bit. It wasn't that Lin Su's shots were bad, it was that they were too good. Except for the occasional hiccup due to lighting or scene constraints, his movements were smooth, his lines fluent, effortlessly outshining all the other actors in the crew.

One month? He finished all the shooting in just twenty days, demonstrating with his actions and acting skills just how fast filming could be.

"This is definitely a great talent for a movie star!" exclaimed the assistant director sincerely.

Before leaving, Director Lu held Lin Su's hand reluctantly. "Lin Su, it's such a waste for talent like yours not to be in the industry. How about this? In the future, you'll be my exclusive lead actor, and I'll pay you the same as Zhou Xintang's current salary."

He truly couldn't bear to let go of such a promising talent. Lin Su was born for acting. Just comparing these twenty days, he made everyone else feel inferior when they acted.

Zhou Xintang didn't say much on the side. Just by watching Lin Su's performance over the past twenty days, he already knew how this would end. He couldn't achieve that level of performance right now, making people admire, envy, and want to strive towards that goal.

He wasn't afraid of having competitors; he was afraid of reaching the peak and not finding a new goal.

Lin Su originally wanted to decline, but when he saw the emotions in Zhou Xintang's eyes, he smiled and said, "Being the lead actor isn't necessary. My main focus is still on the company right now. But I might consider taking on some supporting roles in the future."

He was already surprised by Lin Su's willingness to compromise to this extent. Zhou Xintang, who was prepared for his refusal, turned his head in astonishment when he heard Lin Su's words. "Really?!"

"Yeah, if there are excellent supporting roles, I might take them on," Lin Su smiled.

Since his lover hoped they could shine together, why not agree to something as simple as this?

Zhou Xintang's smile didn't fade for several days, making Cheng Luozhu glance at him repeatedly, unable to help but ask, "What's going on with Brother Zhou?"

"Lin Su agreed to take on some roles in the future," Zhou Xintang didn't conceal anything about it.

Cheng Luozhu, however, felt like a huge mountain was pressing down on him in an instant. He used to think his acting skills were pretty good, but there's always someone better out there. Not to mention the continuous improvement in acting skills of his former idol, but Lin Su, his old agent, could outshine him by a mile.

He couldn't catch up before, and now there's even someone parachuting in. It really made him reflect on whether he'd spent too much time focusing on love.

Seeing him lost in thought, Zhou Xintang asked, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Luozhu snapped out of it and said, "I must work hard to hone my acting skills in the future."

A person must have ambition. Since others are surpassing him by so much, how could he keep focusing solely on love?

Cheng Luozhu became obsessed with his career, and the unlucky one was Zhou Xintang. He felt so empty, lonely, and unsatisfied.

Of course, such minor discord between husbands could easily be resolved in harmony at the foot of the bed because Lin Su's proposed solution was this: He can top.

For a bottom, it was quite challenging to accept, but for the top, it was a different story.

In the midst of the harmony, "Assassinate Qin". As the follow-up to "The Road," Lin Su's first film received much attention and speculation from various quarters.

Some thought Director Lu's involvement ensured quality, while others felt the second film would be garbage. Some believed it would be a masterpiece with Zhou Xintang joining, while some thought a rich guy like Lin Su was just playing around and not serious.

All the speculation and evaluations came to fruition upon seeing the movie. Soaring box office numbers and ecstatic reviews proved the commercial value of this film.

"Oh my god! The protagonist is so handsome I might faint."

"The acting is superb!"

"I was wrong; I shouldn't have judged with biased eyes! Director Lu's work is truly a masterpiece."

"I don't want to pay attention to the plot; I just want to ship the CP. The CP between the protagonist and the emperor is even better than the first film!"

"I can't take it; this love-hate relationship is too much!"

Although Director Lu didn't amplify this narrative, the audience's imagination was boundless. 

After all, they were the kind of people who could infer love, hate, and complex relationships from seeing a power outlet and a plug. A protagonist who's so handsome it's explosive yet doesn't give any sugar is truly a waste.

"Assassinate Qin" became a hit, and Lin Su became a star. The number of fans on the official social media accounts surged every day, with the most coming from Zhou Xintang's fan base.

Although there were some rumors saying that Lin Su only took on the role because his company was about to go bankrupt, when Lin Su donated all his earnings from "Assassinate Qin" to charity, those voices seemed to be choked in their throats.

Afterward, several welfare homes in the country were revealed to have been funded by Lin Su, specifically designed to accommodate orphan children, with facilities that were top-notch domestically.

People always like kind-hearted individuals, and such actions made those who uttered malicious words feel ashamed enough to abandon their accounts. Moreover, given Lin Su's current status, nobody wanted to offend him and cause trouble for themselves. Praise came one after another, and Lin Su's market value rose significantly.

【Your strategy is truly ingenious,】System 06 praised.

【You flatter me,】 Lin Su chuckled.

Lin Su's charity work was indeed genuine. The money he received from his tragic past had to be given back in some way. Money is never earned enough, but by giving a little more, he could help people like Wang Qiang and Zhou Xintang who had suffered hardships and couldn't escape them.

Of course, charity work wasn't done for nothing. While others might do good deeds without seeking recognition, Lin Su did the opposite. He made sure others knew about his good deeds, which not only enhanced his reputation but also improved Zhou Xintang's impression of him.

It was a win-win situation for everyone.

Despite what was being said online, Zhou Xintang felt genuinely touched upon learning about this. He donated a considerable sum every year, but having a systematic approach like Lin Su's was unheard of.

He used to think this man was hot on the outside but cold on the inside. Now he realized he was wrong. This man appeared cold on the surface, but deep down, he was warm. Otherwise, how could he warm his heart time and time again?

It was because of people like Lin Su that he could truly escape from that hell and become the radiant person he was now.

Lin Su was just like his adoptive parents, and every day he loved that man more than the day before.

"How about I donate 30% of my future earnings too?" Zhou Xintang suggested to Lin Su.

"Sure," Lin Su didn't object, but he added, "Just remember to set aside some for household expenses. After all, you're the breadwinner now. If you can't support me, we'll both be drinking the northwest wind."

Zhou Xintang felt like exploding into fireworks. This man was truly his nemesis.

With Lin Su's success example, Shi Wei also followed suit. In order to please his wife, various welfare homes were built by the crew of "Assassinate Qin," and the result was, of course, successful.

Such good deeds were praised after being publicized, and even received commendations from Central TV, sparking a wave of attention and donations to society. With Lin Su overseeing everything, every donation was clearly recorded and transparent, making a real impact.

Amidst this ongoing discussion, Lin Su's "The Road" was scheduled for release.

The story began with an urban legend, about a serial killer who instilled fear in everyone. He tortured and killed people, suffocating them with plastic wrap, dismembering them, drowning them in lakes, making them fear the sound of dripping water to the point of death. Within a month, he had killed over a dozen people, leaving the entire city in a state of panic.

The police investigated multiple times but couldn't find any clues. Even when they found the protagonist to confirm his statement, they were seeking his input and hoping to find some traces on him.

However, the protagonist had a perfect alibi. He was a renowned doctor, the chief physician at a top-tier hospital. He walked the line of saving lives, having saved countless individuals, earning gratitude from many families. With his handsome appearance, gentle nature, and luxurious lifestyle, it was hard to imagine him as the serial killer.

The brilliance of this drama lay in the protagonist's intelligence, matched by the police's unwavering cleverness. Despite numerous explorations, they engaged in a battle of wits.

The story took a turn when the protagonist made a mistake and nearly led to his capture, but he was saved by a passing girl. Being discovered was unfavorable and could expose him. 

Initially the protagonist contemplating murder upon waking up, he abandoned the idea when the girl helped bandage him and covered his tracks.

It was this moment of relinquishing his dark thoughts that led him to discover that the girl was the main victim of a gang rape incident several years ago. Unlike him, covered in filth, she possessed purity, like his alter ego, living a purer life than anyone else.

"Don't you hate those people?" he asked.

There was sadness in the girl's eyes, but more importantly, determination. "Those people have been punished by the law, their lives have come to an end. But I still want to live well. I don't want those scum to ruin my future life."

"Don't you want to seek revenge on them?" he asked again.

The girl smiled and replied, "I don't want to become like them and hurt others."

To maintain this purity after such a tragic past was perhaps redemption.

His unstable state of mind led to a significant flaw in his next plan. When surrounded by the police, he was covered in blood, no longer resembling an angel of mercy but a demon from hell.

Among the armed policemen, the girl approached in her crisp police uniform and handcuffed him herself.

"Is the story you told me fake?" he asked.

The girl, still gentle as she handcuffed him, replied, "No, it's true."

The revelation of this incident sparked public debate, making it almost unbelievable that the pure white doctor was a murderous demon. They didn't believe it, they cursed and insulted the police, until the man's past was exposed.

The next meeting between the girl and the protagonist was in the interrogation room. Even after changing into a prison uniform, the man was still elegant and gentle, like a gentleman.

He knew everything they asked, but that was what shocked him.

He was not born as a serial killer. He was once a warm and kind-hearted child. The first person he killed was the adoptive father who tried to sexually assault him. Because he was very young at that time, he was not sentenced, but the revelation of such a thing also made people feel sad. 

He suffered unprecedented discrimination.

They called him a murderer, a homosexual, said he was disgusting, bullied him, and even took him into the restroom, stripped him naked, wanting to see how he was different from normal people. 

At the time when he most desired light, those people pushed his outstretched hand into the abyss, and hatred bred in the dark corners, persisting until he became an adult. 

He encountered those who had once insulted and mocked him again, they were either glamorous or down-and-out, but regardless of who they were, they were astonished by his transformation. 

They understood how to use their words, and easily brushed off past events as childish mistakes. 

He also treated others kindly, made friends, and even helped down-and-out individuals find work. 

Everyone thought he was kind and generous, but there were still people who whispered behind his back that he was homosexual.

 In the ignorance of those people, a long-planned revenge began, and thus began the urban legend. Such experiences left people with complex emotions. The female police officer did not condemn him, she simply said: "I understand you."

Because she had also experienced such abyss, the events at that time were not the most terrifying; what was terrifying were the words of others after she had experienced such things, like thorns stabbing into her soul, causing her to toss and turn, unable to rest.

But she eventually walked out, choosing this path to reduce the existence of people like her, but she didn't have time to save the person in front of her.

He smiled, not the perfect curve as before, but sighed deeply: "I can't turn back anymore, I just hope that there will be fewer people like me in your way."

If it weren't for his past experiences, he might have just been that angel who saved lives, but experiences are not something he can choose, the future path is his own choice, whether he is right or wrong cannot be understood by outsiders, but he can no longer care about those who criticize him.

The story ends with a gunshot, everything turning into darkness.

Whether this path is dark or pure, one must bear the consequences of their own choices.

"The Road" became popular, but what caused heated discussions was not the acting of the protagonists, but the hidden social realities within.

Are the existence of homosexuals so unforgivable?

Regarding parental guardianship, those who destroy children are likely the closest people to them.

Regarding campus violence, discussions about inappropriate remarks are even more intense.

A kind word warms three winters, a harsh word hurts for cold months. The ancient sayings passed down by our ancestors have always existed, but how many truly resonate with people?

Among the many discussions, abusive words almost rarely appeared. Many people saw the seriousness behind it, but maintaining it still requires continuous efforts from many people.

In many worlds Lin Su has seen, there are regulations on real-name speech, but this world has not yet developed to that point, and Lin Su does not expect a movie to completely change an entire society, but causing some changes is always good.

The obstacles between him and Zhou Xintang in the future will also be greatly reduced.

The box office of "The Road" did not do very well, not because it wasn't good, but because it is too good, good enough to make people dare not watch it a second time.

But its box office is not so low as to be below Lin Su's psychological line, because some people keep buying tickets for "The Road" even if they don't watch it.

When Zhou Xintang finished watching the movie, he stayed indoors for a day, even though he was the lead actor and had read the script, seeing the complete film still prompted a lot of reflection.

When he finally emerged from his room, he posted a personal message: "Although there is evil in this world, I believe there is more kindness. May sunlight fill every corner, and may everyone in this world find the right path."

While social discussions continued, it was time for the film festival, with nominations for various major awards flooding in. 

Among them, the competition for Best Actor was most intense between the leads of "Assassination of Qin" and "The Road". 

Naturally, the female lead also gained significant attention, but the controversy surrounding the two male lead actors vying for Best Actor nominations was overwhelming, with almost all other nominations being ignored.

Meanwhile, the other male lead in "The Road," Cheng Luozhu, who played the role of a policeman, felt somewhat neglected.

But he shrugged it off; with two tigers fighting, he, a mere little rabbit, should stay quiet for a while.

It's not that no one praised Cheng Luozhu's acting skills, but with Lin Su and Zhou Xintang shining brightly, the audience's standards were raised, leaving Cheng Luozhu with no choice but to work harder.

Amidst the fans' discussions and debates, they noticed that Lin Su entered the award ceremonies with Zhou Xintang.

"Why did the lead actor of 'Assassination of Qin' end up in 'The Road'?" 

"Lin Su is the director of 'The Road,' and he's also received many nominations."

"Haha, did you see the resentful look from Director Lu?"

"Director and lead actor, yet competing for Best Actor. Although we tell ourselves not to imagine things, how can we resist such sweet thoughts?"

"Sorry, Zhu Zhu, I've betrayed you."

Two tall men walked in together, hand in hand, without any hint of awkwardness. Instead, their heads bent together in laughter, sparking a series of screams from the crowd.

"Inside the movie, it's all knives and broken glass; outside the movie, it's all sugar!!!"

"Did you see that? It's Tangtang!"

"They are really handsome."

"I heard Lin Su also started from scratch..."

The audience in the live broadcast was shouting and screaming, while all Lin Su said to Zhou Xintang was, "Your tie seems a bit crooked."

Sometimes there's a bit of a deviation between ideals and reality; ideals are sweet, but reality is often less appealing. Even the glare Zhou Xintang threw Lin Su's way turned into a flirtatious glance.

Within a few months, the dust settled on various awards, with "The Road" and "Assassination of Qin" competing fiercely. These awards left no room for other films of the same period. Even though "The Road" won Best Actor, Lin Su also received Best Director and Best Screenplay, both for himself.

With a pile of trophies in hand and an increase of fans, Lin Su's fans were immersed in dreams where their idol could do anything. Even when some questioned if Lin Su had a ghostwriter, no one could produce evidence. 

When the media outlet that received the most criticism was acquired, some haters realized that Lin Su wasn't just a star but also a financial backer, mainly for Zhou Xintang.

The once-undecorated Best Actor climbed steadily towards the peak, winning Best Actor almost every year. Occasionally, he would take on external projects, but most were films prepared by Lin Su.

These films ranged from romantic dramas to social critiques to explosive action films. As long as Zhou Xintang wished, there was no film he couldn't make, and as long as he wished, there was no script Lin Su couldn't write.

Fans even voted each year on his personal page for the film they most wanted to see, and the film with the most votes sparked a sensation upon release.

With each solid film, he gained a strong backing, and with each globally explosive film, his name became etched in everyone's minds. He was no longer just a star but a bona fide superstar.

As the years passed, fans were surprised to find that time seemed to stand still for Zhou Xintang. At the age of thirty, the film "Back in Time" ignited global enthusiasm once again with its explosive effects and exciting plot, making Zhou Xintang the grand winner of that year's awards.

At the celebratory party, celebrities from all walks of life attended, each immensely wealthy, possessing assets that could last a lifetime. Yet, they were all there for the same reason—they were fans of Zhou Xintang.

The impact of the film is extraordinary, and when Zhou Xintang appeared, it immediately triggered cheers from this group of etiquette-conscious individuals.

But it's not their fault for losing composure; it's mainly because the man descending the stairs smiles ever so slightly, as if he could captivate everyone's hearts.

At the age of thirty, time had not ravaged him in any way; instead, it had bestowed upon him exceptional favor, allowing the once-stunning beauty to settle like a precious jade.

"Mr. Zhou," a lady approached with a glass of wine, "may I be so bold as to ask what your next film project will be?"

"You might need to ask my agent about that," Zhou Xintang replied with a smile as he clinked glasses with her before moving on to greet another person.

People were already dancing on the dance floor, some eager to dance with Zhou Xintang, but more than one was rejected after summoning up the courage.

His fans spanned the globe, yet it seemed no one could enter his heart.

Such a man haunted the dreams of the ladies present and broke their hearts as well.

"I wonder what kind of person could marry him," sighed a girl.

"Whoever marries him will be drenched in insults, but if I could marry him, I wouldn’t mind being drenched in insults," another girl added.

Because marrying him would provoke the jealousy of countless girls, who, apart from verbal attacks, could do nothing but envy. Unfortunately, there were no signs of such a person appearing yet.

"Marry? It might be 'take him as a husband' instead," a tall and handsome man chuckled, his eyes lingering on the person who was the main focus of the room.

"Buwick, you're not attracted to him, are you?" a rough-looking man beside him, hands in his pockets, remarked, "He's not as easy to chase as your little roses."

"That's what makes it challenging," Buwick clicked his tongue, casually picking up a glass of champagne and walking over. 

When he reached Zhou Xintang, who had just been left alone, he naturally clinked his glass with him. "Mr. Zhou, you're truly dazzling, even more so than in your movies."

Zhou Xintang glanced sideways at the man who had just approached him. His platinum, slightly curled hair and deep, affectionate emerald eyes were enough to captivate many. In terms of appearance alone, he indeed had the capital to be arrogant.

His assistant whispered behind Zhou Xintang, "Buwick is the third in line to the throne of the E country's royal family, with assets of at least billions."

In many countries nowadays, heirs to the throne have little real power, but they represent a country's external image, and, like the country's assets, they cannot be easily offended.

In terms of wealth, he indeed had the capital to be arrogant.

Zhou Xintang's smile deepened slightly. "Thank you for your praise, Mr. Buwick. I hope you enjoy yourself tonight."

Buwick's eyes lit up. "With you here, I'm already enjoying myself. I'm a fan of yours, and I've been thinking about investing in movies recently. Can I get your contact information?"

If there was any doubt at the beginning, Zhou Xintang was now a hundred percent sure that the man in front of him seemed to be trying to seduce him. His smile faded slightly. "Thank you for your kindness. If you need any work-related matters, please contact my assistant. Xiao Cen, exchange business cards with this gentleman. I'll take my leave now."

With a polite smile, he turned and left, not giving Buwick a chance to speak.

After exchanging contact information, the rough-looking man who had been there before approached and sneered, "See? Rejected."

"It’s just one failure; now he's piqued my interest even more," Buwick licked his lips.

"You'd better be careful. He's under Su Sheng's banner," the man reminded him, "Forcing your way won't work."

Su Sheng's business had long since expanded beyond the entertainment industry, and the exact extent of its assets was unknown. Nowadays, they also had cooperation with the E country's royal family and were not an entity to be easily offended.

"I know," Buwick replied nonchalantly.

Su Sheng was Su Sheng. Although Zhou Xintang was their money tree, the company shouldn't offend him just for the sake of a money tree.

"Alright, just don't end up getting burned by playing with fire," the man cautioned.

As the banquet ended, Zhou Xintang found it difficult to leave, not because anyone was blocking him, but because those people repeatedly detained him, making it awkward. Finally after managing to break free from the banquet, he had just heaved a sigh of relief when someone grabbed his shoulder from behind. 

A low, magnetic voice sounded, "What a coincidence, didn't expect to meet you here. Fate is truly inexplicable. Would you mind having a cup of coffee together?"

The voice from behind was very unfamiliar, but that didn't stop Zhou Xintang from grabbing the hand, twisting the person around, and pressing them against the wall with his elbow until he saw the person's surprised and bewildered face. Then he laughed, "So it's Mr. Buwick, I thought it was some obsessed fan. My apologies."

He said "my apologies," but his arm didn't let go. While Buwick was shocked, he also felt a thunderous roar in his heart.

He was of noble status, with bodyguards wherever he went. He also had skills himself. 

Today, he had only left the bodyguards outside the parking lot to avoid being caught in the act of pursuing someone, but he hadn't expected to be subdued without even resisting. He finally believed that the actions in those movies were independently performed by Zhou Xintang.

Such strength, such beauty, such charm, it was as if that living movie character stood before him, making his heart pound. Buwick struggled to say, "I really wanted to invite you. I genuinely love you, but I haven't found a way to approach you, so I can only resort to this."

His words accompanied by those deep eyes did indeed seem sincere, but unfortunately, Zhou Xintang had seen Lin Su say sweet nothings too many times, making him completely immune to such lowly tricks.

"Sorry to interrupt," a familiar voice sounded behind Zhou Xintang. 

He subconsciously froze, while his assistant beside him respectfully and joyfully exclaimed, "Mr. Lin."

Zhou Xintang released Buwick and turned to look at the man walking slowly towards them. His black coat perfectly complemented his tall and straight figure, while the dark gray scarf around his neck looked warm and stylish. Each step seemed to step on Zhou Xintang's heart.

Even after many years together, Zhou Xintang still felt his heart race at a glance or a gesture from him. It was pathetic to think about, but he willingly accepted his own weakness.

"Why did you come?" Zhou Xintang walked up to him, his hand enveloped in the large hand, and looked up at the man's tightening grip and warm breath.

"Just got back from a business trip. Why didn't you wear a coat when coming out? Your hands are so cold," Lin Su said, lowering his head.

"I thought I could get into the car right away. I didn't expect to be delayed here for a while," Zhou Xintang moved his warm fingertips, "You didn't even call me before you came back."

"I wanted to give you a surprise," Lin Su took the coat from the assistant's hand and put it on Zhou Xintang, then took off the scarf and wrapped him up tightly. 

In an instant, the movie emperor who could have just walked on the T-stage turned into a warm and cozy homebody.

Their intimacy was evident, while Buwick, who had been released, widened his eyes. "What... what's your relationship?"

Such intimacy couldn't possibly be just between an employer and a money tree.

Lin Su raised his gaze, only now seeming to notice Buwick’s presence. "Long time no see, Buwick. How's your father?"

"He's fine," Buwick's previous arrogance disappeared in front of Lin Su. Even though he was several years older than Lin Su, he had seen the terrifying side of this man before, which still sent shivers down his spine. Even his father had told him not to provoke this man easily. "Thank you for your concern."

"Zhou Xintang is my lover, and we are about to get married. Before our wedding, I don't want a fifth person to know about this news. I hope you can cooperate," Lin Su said with a smile. "Of course, I will send you an invitation then. Your father said you are a good boy who can keep a secret, and I think I can trust him of his word."

"Yes," Buwick forced a smile. In fact, his father had only ever scolded him as a bastard and never praised him, but now he could only say so.

Compared to family and fortune, budding love was not worth mentioning: "I deeply bless you both."

"Thank you." Lin Su led Zhou Xintang away, and even as they sat in the car, Zhou Xintang couldn't help but be moved by Lin Su's gentleness and dominance. 

Meanwhile, Lin Su leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes.

The front of the car is separated from the back, the back only held the two of them. Zhou Xintang turned to him and asked, "Are you very tired?"

"Not really," Lin Su replied, opening his eyes.

Though not dismissive, Zhou Xintang still sensed that he was still in a bad mood. "Actually, it was my first time meeting that person too. I don't know how he managed to follow us to the parking lot."

He had planned to leave the banquet immediately and go home, but after experiencing a chase that was similar to a paparazzi chase and then bumping into his lover who rushed back from his trip. He was feeling quite displeased, and a little bit uneasy.

"If you hadn’t come by, I might have really beaten him up," Zhou Xintang explained, knowing that with the power of Su Sheng, nothing significant would happen even if he did, and ultimately, it would be bad luck for Buwick.

"Yeah, I believe you," Lin Su smiled.

"But you don't seem interested. By the way, what's the surprise you mentioned?" Zhou Xintang asked.

The surprise that could make Lin Su rush back must be a big surprise.

"Don't you already know?" Lin Su pinched his nose playfully, leaning in close when Zhou Xintang looked puzzled. "A proposal..."

Zhou Xintang's eyes widened suddenly. "When you said we were getting married is... real?"

Even the confident Zhou Xintang, who could confidently discuss anything in front of countless fans, was stuttering.

"Yes, of course it's real," Lin Su took out a ring box from his jacket pocket, slipping the subtly luxurious ring onto Zhou Xintang's finger amidst his stunned expression. "My taste is not bad, just right."

Zhou Xintang squeezed the ring, feeling Lin Su's warmth lingering on it. Though he was very happy, happy enough to jump out of the car at any moment, he still asked, "Is it that simple?"

Not even on one knee?

This man kneeling down must look explosively handsome.

"Well, it wasn't supposed to be this simple," Lin Su rested his head on his hand, eyes closed. "How can I not be jealous?"

System 06 silently watched, very tempted to say that the host was lying again. With Zhou Xintang's fans all over the place, judging by the small jealous incident just now, the host could easily die of jealousy. This simple trick could be seen through by anyone.

But System 06 forgot that people in love have below-average intelligence, so Zhou Xintang fell for it especially easily. With intentionally lowered corners of his mouth, his smile was already lifting: "Then what do I need to do to make you not be jealous?"

"Only fluffy bunny ears can soothe my wounded heart," Lin Su discarded his dignity at this moment.

Zhou Xintang had a feeling of "I knew it": "Can't you choose something else?"

"A fox is also acceptable," Lin Su seemed to compromise.

Zhou Xintang: "..."

This was beyond embarrassing!

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